Wednesday 31 January 2018


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In the New Testament, Paul, the apostle, visited the case of Abraham once again. Paul, the apostle, wrote in Galatians 4:21, that: “Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law?”  In other words, people who are inspired ceremonially by the law, or tradition, instead of the word God. Tradition allows polygamy; the Gospel rejects it, allowing only monogamy. Those people freaked themselves, by their own wills. Do ye not hear the law?  That is say; do you take to heart, what it says? The apostle continues: “For is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by freewoman”- Galatians 4:22. The place of writing is Genesis 16:1ff. Abraham had two sons, explains: (i) physical son, born to him, by his legal wife, the wife of marriage; and (ii) adopted son, born to him, from illicit relationship. The one of illicit relationship was Ishmael, from Hagar. The physical son, from legal wife, was Isaac from Sarah. The Greek word rendered bondmaid here, is paidiske, which basically describes a girl in slavery who can be set free by her master at her own free will. Hagar was a personal property of Sarah, just like, second wives, are properties of the first wives. The second or added wives can get their freedom, to have legal marriage, with singles or widowers, not divorcees, immediately they are chased away from home. On the other hand, Sarah is called by the apostle, as freewoman, that is, a married person coloured with a deep tincture of dignity, as opposed to adulteresses in polygamy. Freewoman in the scriptures does not explain woman who is at liberty to do what she likes whether good or evil as prostitutes do, the women freedom associated with feminism. Sarah was free, to do, what she felt could be done in her home, with Abraham. 
“But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise”- Galatians 4:23. That is, the son of the slave, second wife called Hagar, was born after the result of human life. In other words, Abraham, followed his human sense (lust), laid with Hagar, and Ishmael is the product. This human sense was introduced to him by Sarah, his wife. He was born, as a result, because of the flesh- adultery. Isaac, of the freewoman (married woman with dignity) was born by promise, that is, by the Holy Ghost (compare Hebrews 10:28). A hand of God, in his great sovereign will, approved the marriage of Abraham with Sarah, and was responsible for the birth of Isaac, while God rejected Hagar, to be added as wife. Hagar was a torture to marriage, the war of flesh against the spirit, the spirit invisibly working in the hearts, spirits, souls of disobedience. A hand of Satan was in the transaction of Hagar, and her son, Ishmael.
“Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar”- Galatians 4:24. In other words, these things, are expounded with further meaning- mystery. These are two covenants, literally testaments, agreements. God appointed to the natural “seed of Abraham.”  Abraham also had a plan for “a seed,” by his own flesh. Sarah’s marriage was God’s covenant. Gendereth to bondage, is literally leading to prison of sin, becoming wicked prisoner of lust and so on. One cannot get out from this prison, unless he dissolve the polygamy, by chasing the added women away. Taking Hagar was Satan’s covenant. Satan’s covenant leads to darkness, which, is slavery, here, called bondage. Polygamy is satanic covenant, which ever leads to bondage- that is slavery or imprisonment in the jail of darkness, and the children, wrapped in character, with Hagar, and her offspring. The covenant of bondage, is from mount Sinai, that is going back to Egypt, the way Hagar did, after she was expelled. In the time of the Exodus, the Israelites, led by Moses: (i) Requested God to provide them food. Manna was given; (ii) Requested for water. Water was provided from a rock; (iii) Received the laws from God; (iv) Circumcised children, and other ordinances. One must receive the law of God, called the Gospel, circumcise his heart, in order to expel secondary women/ wives away.
“For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children”- Galatians 4:25. Agar is the Greek form of the Hebrew name Hagar, meaning emigration, flight. Ancient Arabians used to call mount Sinai as Agar. Mount Sinai is mentioned in Exodus 19:3, 20, as a desert place, where God communicated with Moses face to face, giving him the laws, and sometimes called Horeb, where Elijah visited, escaping from the wrath of king Ahab and his (Ahab’s) wife called Jezebel (1 Kings 19:8). This place is currently called Jebel Musa (Mountain of Moses). Greek Orthodox monks built their church, called St. Catherine’s Monastery right at the place Moses met with God, and was responsible for the corrupt manuscript, called Codex Sinaiticus, whose part was used to translate NIV, and other modern bible versions. This Agar is a dry place, which needs water. It is a well without water, without food, without God’s laws called the Gospel, head without brain, no vision; hence, a woman involved in polygamy cannot give relevant, reliable advice to single women pursuing the course of marriage. Too many wrongs cannot make things right. Sinai is a desert mountain where Hagar and Keturah, plus their children respectively, were expelled by Abraham before his death- confer Genesis 16:7; 21:21; 25:8. Hagar answereth to Jerusalem.  This is exactly a way of friendliness. The phrase answereth to does not mean belongs to, neither corresponds to as alleged by some bible commentators who are out there to corrupt the Gospel, but rather subject to, depicting the sense of continuous slavery. The generation of Hagar, called the Ishmeelites, must accept the true God of Israel, and permanently see Jesus Christ, as the only Saviour, and way of eternity. The generation of Hagar must be subject to Israel, Jerusalem, continue to be loyal slaves, if they want true worship.  Gospel is about being slave (Hebrew ‘evedh; Greek doulos) to Jesus Christ, and not being masters (Matthew 23:10; James 3:1).  In Genesis 25:6, we learnt Abraham sent Hagar and Keturah, plus their children respectively eastward, unto the east country. Job was described as a man who was greatest of all the men of the east (Job 1:3). These two, provided evidence that the wise men from the east who came in Jerusalem, to witness the birth of the Hebrew Messiah, mentioned in Matthew 2:1-15, were indeed believed Arabs, possibly descendants of the expelled Hagar and Keturah. True worship is from Jerusalem in Israel, and not Islam from Mecca, an evil scheme that was devised, implemented and spread from Rome, crafted by Augustine and given to Mohammad, with the greed of attempting to snatch Jerusalem from the Jews. Similarly, only Jesus Christ, can bring the legal wife (from monogamous marriage) with the expelled women together in his Gospel, not to other women’s husbands for spreading further polygamies. Women in polygamy, upon conversion to Christian faith, must seek forgiveness (answereth) from the first wife for all the ills they brought before parting ways voluntarily. Jerusalem, which now is, and is in bondage with her children. That is, the earthly (present) Jerusalem is a slaving mother of slaving children. Jerusalem had brought the slavery upon herself because she accepted the children of Ishmael back into Holy Land. Israel had been enslaved by Rome, in the sense that Rome Statues does not allow her to expel Palestinians. Even though the world believed that Palestinians are Indo-Europeans who came from Crete, there is overwhelming evidence that they were descendants of expelled Ishmael. Palestine or Palestina is rendered in Hebrews pelesheth (Exodus 15:14; Isaiah 14:29, 31; Joel 3:4), and Philistia, as eres Pelistim in Hebrews, that is, “the land of the Philistines.” Josephus, the Jewish historian, used Palaistine in the same restricted geographical sense (Antiquities of the Jews 1.6.2; 13.5.10). Palestinians pushed for their own state/ country, within the territory, land Israel. United Nations (Rome) is seducing Israel to accept Palestinians’ demand for Palestine state. This in the actual sense is supplanting monogamy with polygamy, the work that Abraham their patriarch contended, separated and accomplished before his death. Once expelled, let the second women and their children not return back. They will bring disputes, trying to lodge out the sons of the first wife from inheritance given them by their father.
“But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all”- Galatians 4:26. Jerusalem is the heavenly city, whose builder and maker is God- Hebrews 11:10, and is known as spiritual city (Hebrews 12:22-24), and also known as the New Jerusalem, fully described in Revelation 22. The record in Isaiah 54:5, states: “For thy Maker is thine husband; the LORD of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called.” God is the maker of Jerusalem, which is above, thus her Husband. This Jerusalem according to Hebrews 12:22, is free, actually freewoman, a woman married with dignity, in a monogamous marriage.Image result for polygamy

 In heaven, there is: (i) No United Nations to interfere/ intervene for anyone; (ii) No evil women to be lusted after. No room for polygamy, for there would be no marriage. Jesus Christ put this perfectly clear in Matthew 22:30; and (iii) No feminism/ women rights. In the heavenly Jerusalem, God’s plan, or marriage, forever, will be monogamous. He will be one God for all believers. Polygamy-plural marriage, is here, equated to the worship of several Gods. The heavenly Jerusalem had no space for several gods- polygamy. The place had no room for Satan whatsoever. God is one, as marriage, is one man for one woman.
“For it is written, Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the desolate hath many children than she which hath an husband”- Galatians 4:27. This was quoted from Isaiah 54:1. The two things, or women, had been interchanged, to bring home, a clear understanding, concept. The bond of contention, which brought polygamy to Abraham, was the barrenness of Sarah. Hagar joined the scene because she could give birth to a son to Abraham. She was fertile. Monogamy is an honest relationship, while polygamy is dishonesty. It was a simple fact. Joy was on the side of Sarah, because, through Isaac, she got many children. Remember Sarah said God hath made me to laugh (Genesis 21:6), that is, God had me to rejoice. Isaac was born supernaturally like Christ, his descendant. The believing Gentiles, bonafide, fully committed Christians, are all on the sides of Isaac, serving Jesus Christ, the greatest descendant of Isaac, hence sons of Sarah. Isaiah used the word sing, which Paul the apostle employs as rejoice here. There is no controversy presented whatsoever. Song was rendered in Hebrews as shir or shirah, the intensive (piel) form of the verb on which the name Sarah (Hebrew Sarah or Saray) meaning princess, was built. Song (shir or shirah) was associated to princess (saray); hence, Sarah deserved it. To sing played a prominent part in the worship and national life of the Hebrews. For that, reason to sing was synonymous to rejoice. Isaiah prophesied concerning Jesus Christ, the greatest descendant of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the greatest son of Sarah, that: “Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors” (Isaiah 53:12). She which hath an husband, is not the married, legal wife, but rather Hagar, who stole Abraham for a short period, to be her husband, after which she despised Sarah. This husband’s snatcher is not blessed but cursed. The children of the barren, hated, despised first wife because of polygamy, rendered the desolate, increases, while the children of second/ secondary wives, will decrease by death. Death is the wage of sin, adultery inclusive (Romans 6:23).
“Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise”- Galatians 4:28. Any believed person, even from the Gentile world, had joined the Jews, as the children of the promise, the product of a dignified marriage, freewoman. The corrupt texts, manuscripts had “ye” instead of “we”. Children like Isaac are born in respectable way, according to the promise, not merely fleshy descend, of bodily lust, as Ishmael. Without God’s knowledge, there is no dignity. God’s knowledge, is the marriage of one man for one woman, not plural marriages. As we have become the brother of Isaac, we should not practice polygamy; otherwise, we can become the brother of Ishmael, the son of the flesh.
“But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now- Galatians 4:29. Born after flesh, is he born after human lust, adultery inside marriage, and slavery of sin, called polygamy. Born after the Spirit, that is born  supernaturally, by God’s will, who had liberated his people by giving them monogamous marriage and not polygamy. The Greek word rendered persecuted here is dioko which describes drive away, put to flight, harass, molest, and can be connected to the Hebrew word mesaheq for mocking found in Genesis 21:9. Ishmael showed his true characters in the presence of Isaac while playing, by harassing, molesting and chasing him away. Persecution later in the broad common sense signified particular course or period of systematic infliction of punishment  or penalty. Polygamy is a cancer, a poison that visited generation after generation. No matter the efforts employed, children of the first wife and of the secondary wives are irreconcilable. The children of the second wife (wives) will continue to live in jealousy, hatred, selfishness, and greed, molesting, harassing and even trying, if opportunity warrants, to chase away the children of the first/ original wife from inheritance. They would try to inflict punishment, impose penalty through civil legislation and even to kill in order to accomplish their evil desires. As Ishmael mocked Isaac, so do the children from polygamous marriage. As Ishmael persecuted Isaac, so do these children. This happened, because, children of addition women, are of the flesh, adultery proper. They are from satanic relationship. As God gives marriage, Satan gives/ fronts adultery. Satan wars against God. Satan’s children of the flesh, wars against God’s children, of marriage.
“Nevertheless, what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman”- Galatians 4:30. What Paul, the apostle, is saying, is the final solution, that was provided by Sarah, to Abraham, and approved by God himself, and must be accepted throughout for the dissolution of polygamy. The quotation is from Genesis 21:10. Hagar, and her son, called Ishmael, from the slavery of the flesh, were expelled by Abraham, for Ishmael, could not inherit anything. He could not be given anything meant for Isaac, the son of Sarah, the dignified married woman (freewoman). This marriage dignity, seen in Sarah (freewoman) is exactly what made her to be called princess. Abraham is called lord in Genesis 18:12; 1 Peter 3:6, because he lorded over everything expelling the moles in his marriage. Those who seek acceptance with God, through their polygamies, disputing/ arguing that David, Solomon, and others in the scriptures were polygamists, and are destitute to the sanctity of marriage, will have great shock, when they realized/ found that they had no inheritance in heaven. It is like “Cast this polygamist from heavenly presence…” In Galatians 5:19-21, the works of the flesh, are listed, which prevents one from entering the kingdom of God. In 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Paul, the apostle, listed characters of the unrighteous, which will make them not to inherit the kingdom of God. Inherit, is the root word for inheritance. The children of the flesh, shall not inherit the kingdom of God, and will be expelled to everlasting fire, just as Abraham, exercised his authority on Hagar, and Ishmael. So long, as polygamy is the work, adultery/ fornication, then polygamists, will not enter into God’s kingdom. Polygamy will wither, sink and perish.
“So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free”- Galatians 4:31. That is, all believers in Christ (brethren), we should not, or we are not product of darkness, of the flesh, to continue fulfilling its lust thereof, but of the divine dignity, obedience to the God of Israel. We must value, embrace, and practice monogamy, as instituted by God, and not polygamy, as given by Satan. That is the rule, besides it, there is no truth. Polygamy must come to naught, and the recipients must pay. Being bondwoman emphasized Hagar’s lower status. Polygamy does not prove the worth of man, but rather his debasement, foolishness/ stupidity, his failures, lowering himself to women of lower status. It is impossible to play the role of marriage and adultery. If it is polygamy, then it is adultery. Get away from it. If it is monogamy, it is marriage. Protect it. It is also impossible to be under God and under the world. The world accepts polygamy. God rejects polygamy. The Christian movement had been critically infested with the deadly wave of polygamy, people who had hidden their immoral practices. This is now the crying hour for the need of uncompromising men to proclaim liberty in Christ, by condemning polygamy at all cost. It is shocking that some claiming as Christians are encouraging divorces among their sons, assisting them in paying dowries to their new wives.Hypocrisy is a sort of homage which vice pays to virtue. There is hypocrisy beneath the word polygamy. It is an attempt to cover up by the term “plural marriage” what is not marriage and cannot be marriage.”
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Polygamy was the practice of Egyptians. The law given to Moses, by God, was against polygamy. The record in Deuteronomy 17:17 stated that: “Neither shall he multiply wives to himself, that his heart turn not away: neither shall he greatly multiply to himself silver and gold.” This was long, before David, Solomon, and the kings of Israel. The many women, that Solomon had, “turned away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the LORD his God, as was with David his father”- 1 Kings 11:4. “The LORD was angry with Solomon ….” (1 Kings 11:9). Likewise, God is angry, with polygamists wherever they are. Polygamists cannot please God. The many women taken by men in polygamies had turned their hearts against their wives (first women of their marriages).
Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes 7:27-28, that: “Behold, this have I found, saith the preacher, counting one by one, to find out the account: which yet my soul seeketh, but I find not: one man among a thousand have I found; but a woman among all those have I not found.” He continues in verse 29, the close of the chapter, that: “Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.” Solomon wrote by experience, after examining the characters and conducts of all sexes, as the king of Israel. He had 700 wives and 300 concubines, a total of 1000 women, according to the record in 1 Kings 11:3. Count one by one, weighing one thing or person after another, putting together various facts or remarks. Solomon brought the first woman in his life, married her. The first woman allowed for the second wife to be brought in. The second allowed for the third, and the list went on and on, until it reached 1000 women. Indeed, there is no wisdom in women, even if they are heaped up in polygamy. They are stress, unsatisfaction. To find out the account, is the expression, describing to arrive at the reckoning, the desired result. There is no respect, to any woman, added in the existing marriage in the transaction called polygamy, but there is respect to a man of monogamy. He is a man, who had reached the standard of excellence- the ideal that he had formed for himself, who could be called by the noble name of a man. The phrase one of a thousand, is also found in Job 9:3; 33:23. The woman displays her foolishness by the discriminate use of her body to polygamist. The more man employs his creativity, the prouder he becomes of his intellect and the less he feels for the Creator. In consequence, he draws further and further away from God. God made man to fellowship with him in God’s wisdom; but failing to abide in that normative state, man has pursued the clever manipulation of things in place of the persistent fear of the God who created all things- manipulation of the scriptures by printing/ publishing fake bibles, manipulation of marriage by polygamy, manipulation of man’s authority by feminism, manipulation of procreation by gays, bestiality, use of robots and so on. Jesus Ben Sirach wrote in Ecclesiasticus 25:24-25, that: “Of a woman came the beginning of sin, and through her we all die. Give water no passage; neither a wicked woman liberty to gad abroad.” He wrote again in Ecclesiasticus 26:25, that: “A shameless woman shall be counted as a dog; but she that is shamefaced will fear the Lord.” In Ecclesiasticus 42:12-14, he states: “Behold not every body’s beauty, and sit not in the midst of women. For from garments cometh a moth, and from women wickedness. Better is the churlishness of a man than a courteous woman, a woman, I say, bringeth shame and reproach.”

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In Proverbs 31:3, part of the prophecy that king Lemuel, received from his mother, was that: “Give not thy strength unto women, nor thy ways to that which destroyeth the kings.” Women, not woman, for proper marriage is one woman for one man. He must not be soft and effeminate, nor spend that time in vain conversion with ladies, which might result into execution of polygamy. He should shun all adultery, fornication, and lasciviousness, which waste the strength of the body as a result of immorality with women, and bring it into dangerous diseases. Ben Sirach wrote again: “Stumble not at the beauty of a woman, and desire her not for pleasure” (Ecclesiasticus 25:21- Apocrypha). Strength is specifically vigour, bodily powers, which are sapped and enervated by sensuality. Women should not be given strength by fronting/ legislating feminism, for this eventually or later destroys the rulers (kings). Do not consume, your time in marrying many women: marrying today, tomorrow, and so on. You do not grow young, but old, and therefore childish behaviours must be avoided. Do all things under God’s counsel, not your own.
Solomon, again wrote: “But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul”- Proverbs 6:32. Committeth adultery with a woman, is rendered in Hebrew as noeph ishshah, that is, taking another wife, or taking a divorcee, or both, or putting away a woman in order to replace her with another woman. Such person lacketh understanding, rendered in Hebrew khasar-lev; (Latin deficit corde), from Hebrew khaser, be devoid of anything, and deserves to be stigmatized as an errant fool. The person is brutish and stupid, being reduced to lust, which eventually takes him to eternal fire- hell. He destroys his own body, and disposes his soul to Satan.
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Polygamy: (i) Is rejecting divine law, judgment- that is God’s plan, verdict for man; and (ii) Is working, accomplishing Satan’s will/ wishes.
Marriage has the analogues or theological motifs portrayed in YAHWEH’s relation with Israel- Isaiah 54:5; Jeremiah 31:32; Ezekiel 16:8-14; Hosea 2:14-20, as well as Christ’s relation with the Church- Ephesians 5:21-23; confer 1 Corinthians 11:1-3; 2 Corinthians 11:2 and Revelation 19:7-9. As the married man, with his wife, are of the same nature and essence (“This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh …”- Genesis 2:23) - confer Galatians 3:28, but not equal as persons (no gender sensitivity, no feminism), Israel, is the same with God, and so do the Church in respect to her relationship with Christ. God is not polygamist, that is the reason, he gave law rejecting the marriage between the Hebrews (Jews) with the Gentiles. Christ is not polygamist, as well, and he commanded Christians (who constitute his Church) to separate themselves from the world- “they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world”- John 17:16. Compare also 1 John 2:15-17. As the wife, is required to submit to her husband, so do Israel to God, and the Church to Christ. Submission of the Church to Christ has nothing to do with celibacy whatsoever, and does not need one to become reverend father or reverend sister as Roman Catholic deceptively teach. One, who does not have a husband, had no one to submit to. She is in adultery, and can be dismissed at anytime, provided the sexual excitement/ pleasure is over. In spiritual sense, the adultery is what is taking course as ministries, denominations, sects, cults, and religions, which are not the wives of Christ, neither of God, since God or Christ, is not polygamist. It is false worship infesting the globe.
Israel, is known as the wife of God in the scriptures. Her idolatrous unfaithfulness, and disobedience to YAHWEH are frequently depicted as spiritual “adultery”- Numbers 25:1-4; Judges 2:17; Jeremiah 3:20; Ezekiel 16:15-59; 23:1-48; Hosea 1:2; 2:2-13; 3:3, for which she was punished by captivity. YAHWEH “divorced” (put away) his unfaithful wife, Israel- Isaiah 50:1; Jeremiah 3:8; Hosea 2:2, but did not replace her with the Church (the Gentiles). In the real sense, it was separation, which needed reconciliation, not permanent, for God, hates divorce, as recorded in Malachi 2:16.
God is determined delightfully to restore Israel to her faithfulness and holiness- Isaiah 54; 62:4-5; Ezekiel 16:53-63; Hosea 2:14-3:1, and the process will happen, after the number of Gentiles to be accommodated into eternity (the Church), had reached according to Romans 11:25-27. Christ loved his wife the Church (not denominations/ ministries), gave his life for her. He is the head of the Church, to make her holy (without blemish) and blameless.
Anyway, once more, Abraham the Hebrew married a Hebrew woman, called Sarah. He expelled Hagar and her son, who were Gentiles, even though the son Ishmael had Hebrew blood. Abraham was the friend of God, as recorded in Isaiah 41:8, conferred in Genesis 15:6, and quoted in James 2:23. Hagar’s expulsion was a clear indication, that she could not, did not replace Sarah, and provided further spiritual evidence that “the Church cannot replace Israel” in God’s program of eternity. The anti-Semitic replacement theology, was clearly articulated by Martin Luther of Germany, in his sermon: “On the Jews, and Their Lies”, after Reformation of 1550. See inside the book “Luther’s works”, page 265.
In the old English a husband, was the word, which stood for two words house, plus bond, that is literally house bond. A husband, was thus:
(i)  The servant or slave of the house, one who provided for upkeep. This is supported in 1 Timothy 5:8, which stated: “But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.”
(ii) The unifying factor, as the nail joined the wood, and the glue provided bonding. Without the wife, a man  is not a husband, and should not be so called.
Jesus Christ said as recorded in Luke 16:13, that: “No servant can serve two masters …” That is, no man can serve perfectly the women he had brought into evil relationship called polygamy. He will hate one woman and love another woman. He will hold to one woman and despises another woman. Man cannot provide the service of marriage and adultery at the same time. He cannot serve God and Satan at the same time. “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve ….” (Joshua 24:15). 
James, the Lord’s brother wrote that: “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways” (James 1:8). That is a polygamist is a double minded man who tend to live on truth and lies. He lives in two philosophical world, the natural and supernatural; and while he rejects the natural intellectually, he  will not wholly commit himself to God. Polygamy is naturally rejected, and supernaturally condemned. Polygamy is a way that cannot please God nor procure any good for a person in the end. While we have one God to trust to, we have but one God to be governed by, and this should keep us steady in monogamy, delivering us from instability brought by polygamy, in the name of Jesus Christ.
There are contemporary proverbs, applicable here:
“A bird in hand is more worth than many in the bush.” That is, the wife given to a man, by God, is of more value, worth, than the polygamy he seeks for, or many ladies in the outside world.
“A stitch in time saves nine.” Let the man who found himself in polygamy chase away the added woman, second wife early, to avoid future embarrassments. This is the only way of restoring monogamy, the marriage accepted by God.
    “He who hesitates is lost.” He who cannot rectify the mess in his marriage at the earliest time possible will get lost, destroyed in polygamy.

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On the occasion, the presiding clergy snatched the microphone from me, terming my testimony as imposing a curse on myself and my generation. My speech, testimony was cut short, without completing and demanded to leave.
I lost friends who purported themselves to be Christians, covering their immoral behaviours in support and practice of polygamy. They argue against marriage in support of immorality, saying that marriage and immorality are the same. Their arguments were as follows:
(i)                           That proper marriage before God demands a man to marry a virgin. One who has not married a virgin is living in immorality.
(ii)                        That a person who had married a woman with a child, had taken somebody’s wife.
(iii)                      That polygamy is one way of searching soul mate, since one cannot know/ determine the woman chosen for him by God.
(iv)                     That women population is great, and polygamy offered them chance of marriage.
(v)                        That immorality is difficult to control. There is no difference between the married bed and the bed of adultery, no difference between children from marriage union and those from outside marriage.

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