Wednesday 31 January 2018


Image result for monogamyImage result for monogamyDoes God Support Polygamy? - YouTube
Polygamy, the idea of marrying many wives was not the original intention of God when he created one man for one woman, and was not whatsoever as keenly observed throughout the New Testament.
In Genesis 2:18, God told the first man he created, called Adam, that: “It is not good that a man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.”
 God instituted marriage, not man. God made it perfectly clear that it was a good thing for a man to marry. In other words, understanding it on another dimension, it is evil thing for a man to remain single. This exactly revealed the concept that it was, and still, a bad idea for one to lead the life of celibacy, seen in Catholic, and even present generations everywhere.
The partner God made for man was rendered help meet. In many cases, the person had been misunderstood as helpmate, due to the many versions of the bible worldwide that in fact are corrupt.
God made to Adam help meet, not help mate. Help meet, is a component, relevant, compatible, qualified, according to one’s ability, and so on, hence one should appreciate any partner given him by God, not the one from his own lust. Help meet is comparable to a metal that could fit in a particular space when riveted. In other words, God planned to make a woman, and fit her, rivet her on man. We can also say that God created a woman relevant to a man, one qualified, recommended, approved by man.
Who are the Queens of Swaziland?Any person, who is married, must know according to God, that he or she got the best, in this wise:
(1)            A person qualified to stay with him or her. Those outside marriage are unqualified.
(2)            A person relevant to him or her. The rest were irrelevant, and will remain so.
(3)            A person who is a component, mechanism, and not merely marriage partner.
(4)            A person who completely fit in his or her life. The rest are defective.
Polygamy violates the concept of creation, making of a woman. The men involved are not driven by being satisfied with helpmeets, but by lust, fulfilling the desires of their bodies. They do not recommend, qualify, approve, but they tend to taste every woman, have immorality, and keep them. Marriage is not contract, is not dating, is not experimenting life and is not soul search whatsoever.
They are not metals to be fitted in by their supposed metals, but loose metals, that cannot fit anywhere, something called immorality, human beings who had turned into garbage in a trash.
The Hebrew word lebaddo, for goodapplies only to a man, and not any other animals, and further revealed specifically how man was considered special by God. Other animals could opt to stay, live alone, but not man.
Helpmeet, not helpmate, as reputed by others, rendered in Hebrews ezer kenegdo, applied to:
(1)            A compact, or counterpart of man;
(2)            One formed from man, and for man;
(3)            One like man. This reveals why in several cases, couples appear alike, like a brother marrying a sister. After all they are brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ, or before God.
(4)            Perfect resemblance of man’s person.
Modern Polygamy: Wedding two wives at ago is becoming African norm ...Polygamy Stock Pictures, Royalty-free Photos & Images - Getty ImagesYesterday the street preachers didn't bother this fella ...
The woman to be created was part of man in all things, the life led, in all circumstances, or consequences. To be special, in Old English depicted the sense of socialization, and therefore a man was a social creature. His social life, or being social, did not mandate him to be alone, in other words without marriage. In that case celibacy, singlehood is an evil thing on the side of man or woman, whether it is called the state of excellence, perfection or cutting the cost of living due to economic distress.
Having held conversation with Adam, God as the Originator of all things including marriage took action. The record in Genesis 2:21, revealed “And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof.” Compare Job 4:13.
Even if this was literally viewed, taken as deep sleep, the fact remains that there was deeper insight involved. Would it be a deep sleep, literally then Adam could not have recognized the woman. The deep sleep was not swoon, neither ecstasy, but a way of revelation. It can be compared to what happened to Peter, before meeting the servants of Cornelius, recorded in Acts 10:9-21. As Peter was in a trance, so was Adam. Peter’s trance was exactly his deep sleep. God gave the whole revelation about the woman to Adam- the good and bad sides.
God took one of his ribs. In Hebrews the word rib, is rendered tselah, from tesalah, which is not actually rib, but part of his side.  In this case, it was not the rib, that was actually taken, but God divided, dissected man into two parts, a set up or specimen consisting of man’s ribs, bones, flesh and closed up the flesh thereof.”
The record continues: “And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man”- Genesis 2:22.  In clear sense, it appeared that after closing the flesh of man, God moved to a separate place, for the task of the woman.
“And the rib,” exactly pointing the half part of man.
“Made he a woman,” that is a woman was made for a man, to serve man. This alone disapproves the evil or satanic agenda of feminism. Paul the apostle wrote in 1Corinthians 11:8-9, that: “For the man is not of the woman; but the woman for the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.” The Hebrew word for made, here, was banah, not bara, for creation. The word banah explained to build from already established foundation. So God used the half part of Adam, to build {banah} a woman, and it is in this sense, that the generations of the world, after Adam are built on women. Husband is the foundation of the wife.  Compare 1Corinthians 11:11; Ephesians 2:19-22.
As the husband is the foundation, the wife remained the wall, and there is no reverse whatsoever, hence a woman should not usurp authority over the man- 1Timothy 2:12.
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After completing his work, God brought the woman to Adam, which was clear demonstration, that God alone, not man, instituted marriage. That is, God planned and execute marriage, having full knowledge of the partners, or spouses to be involved.
There are some observations made up this point:
(i)                           God found that man should not be alone. To be celibate/ single or be married is not something to be determined or decided by man. False teachers will teach about celibacy as recorded in 1Timothy 4:3.  There is nothing like nuns and fathers in the Gospel program of God.
(ii)                        God promised to provide helpmeet. It was not the task of man to provide himself the helpmeet. Men who had attempted to do so had ended into adultery. Wedding is hypocrisy, hence not marriage.
(iii)                      God caused deep sleep to Adam, something understood as revelation reception, and divided him into half, that is Adam, and the woman built from him.
(iv)                     God built a woman to Adam. There is no occasion revealing that another woman was built, neither created for Adam.  Polygamy was not there whatsoever. She was helpmeet. Adam needed help meet, not helpmeets.  God provided. Adam could not by himself. Adam did not need helpmates, that is, sexual partners. He needed marriage and focused on it, and not immorality.
“And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” (Genesis 2:23).
Having seen, that the deep sleep in Adam was a trance, or means of receiving revelation, Adam spoke of two things, when the woman was brought to him:
(a)            “This is now bone of my bones,rendered in Hebrews zoth happaam. {We should technically bear in mind, that Adam never spoke anything, until the woman was brought to him}.  This is now”, is exactly, from this moment onwards, and in clear sense described a vow, public declaration, elsewhere called a covenant. Marriage is a covenant. Malachi 2:15 states: “And did not he make one? Yet had he the residue of the spirit. And wherefore one? That he might seek a godly seed. Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth.”  Proverbs 19:14 states: “Houses and riches are inheritance of fathers: and a prudent wife is from the LORD.”  In Proverbs 31:2, the mother of Lemuel called him the son of her vows- in other words the son from her marriage.  From now onwards, Adam is complete. One is not complete without a female partner in marriage. There is no turning back. No polygamous marriage. No going back to singlehood. Polygamy is actually taking partners meant for other men. It is technically relationship greed- indeed immorality/ prostitution.  Bone of my bone, stood for the spiritual or inner being. Adam’s eyes penetrated to the inner person of the woman. He declared that the woman given to him is spiritually him (Adam) in female form. She is from him.
(b)            Flesh of my flesh, exactly stood for the material body seen physically. Adam admitted that the person, woman, seen before him, is exactly him, in the female form; hence, the woman is the glory or image of man. Confer 1Corinthians 11:7.   
Are Women Naturally More Polygamous Than Men? Here Are Reasons Why ...
We can also further reason that bone of my bone, for spiritual, stood for heaven and the flesh of my flesh for material, stood for earth. The marriage of Adam was accepted/ approved both in heaven and on earth.
The person brought to Adam; he declared, “Shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” In Hebrews, a man is rendered ish, and the woman, as ishshah, specifically a she- man. Literally, Adam declared that the person brought to him, is a she- man from him, a version of himself. 
In Latin, the woman is rendered virago, the feminine form of vir for man. To Symmachus (Greece), it is andris, from aner for man.
In the Anglo- Saxon, the language that developed later into English, a woman, stood for two words: WO for the WOMB, or WOES, and the MAN who is her head, who is responsible, controller, or the sole government. Confer 1Corinthians 11:3. 
The woman was perfectly understood by Anglo- Saxon, as:
(i)                           The WOMB- MAN, the person, to whom the generations of the world could, grew further. The main of marriage, is to develop generation. 
(ii)                        The WOE- MAN, the person responsible for the problems facing man (troublemaker), because God punished mankind with death, as a result of the transgression (sin) brought up by a woman in the Garden of Eden. See Genesis 3.
The Anglo- Saxon, frequently never described unmarried females as women. Young females (underage) were called damsels. The females of marriageable age were called ladies. The woman is one that belonged to a man, one tied up in marriage. The woman is a she- man, because she is a man’s wife not a lady (single). She is a female- man, because she was built to serve the purpose of the man to whom she is married.
All these things provided clear evidence, that Adam was ready in his marriage in all circumstances whether there was happiness or sadness. There was nothing that caught him unawares, regarding his wife.
His statement in respect to the woman was exactly revelation, and ultimately wisdom from above. When this was done, God said: “Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh”- Genesis 2:24. This was an order/ command, not a choice/ preference, to be made by man.  It was the demonstration of the intimate connection formed between the man as the husband, to the woman, as the wife. A man who loved his wife (woman) must leave his father and mother, which are his parents. Leaving the parents meant leaving father’s family, to start his (one’s) own. Leaving parents, is leaving the family government, controlled by the father, the government, where the father, is the president. A man would leave his parents, to establish his government (family), where the woman (married) would be subordinate or plainly the principal subject.
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The phrase ‘cleave unto his wife’ is exactly to be fitted, cemented, and compacted to his wife. The husband must unite sto his wife, a body or flesh returning to where it was taken from. This is unity divinely done, performed, that cannot be separated by any person whatsoever.
The man, and the woman, ‘shall be one flesh’, applies to two aspects:
(i)                           Both man and woman in marriage, shall be one body- “The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife” (1Corinthians 7:4). The one body, had no separate, independent agendas, privileges, cares, concerns that are outside marriage state. Therefore, polygamy is outside marriage state. The husband, does not have right over his body to marry as many women (not wives as mistaken by others for the first woman is his legal wife), as he wants. The wife had no right to be married by many men, as she could.
(ii)                        The two in marriage must be for production of one flesh, that is one blood. By becoming together in sexual intercourse, posterity shall spring, as exactly resembling themselves, as they do each other. A woman should not give birth to a baby out of wedlock  within marriage. All children should or must be the seeds from her husband. A man equally should not cohabit, have/ raise children by another woman, other than his wife. Again, polygamy is prohibited here. Jesus Christ, quoted the words of God given to Adam {Genesis 2:24} in Matthew 19:5. He uses twain, for both the man and the woman involved in marriage. The word twain broadly described the Hebrew word sheneyhem, for two. That is to say the two, were twined, interwoven, corded together, to form one body. They are one fabric, one rope, in which, by the fall one {like loose rope}, another cannot stand.
The marriage institution, is one man, one woman- monogamy. God made the woman for the man. Men again are built to be married to the daughters of Eve. Man, therefore must treat a woman as himself, for the woman, is exactly the man in female form- female man, or she-man. See 1Corinthians 7:3. Man married a woman, to have most affectionate attachment, to cultivate the most, excellent matrimonial connection, so that ever should he deal with a woman as his own body, exactly part of him. God did not, and never expect divided allegiance. Man, thus, is not allowed to play the game of divided allegiance to two or more women, in what they know best as polygamy.
Image result for monogamyWhat's Wrong with Polygamy? | The New GuardsThe problem with polygamy
Jesus Christ, added, that: “Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder”- Matthew 19:6. In other words the two (man and woman) immediately engaged, involved in marriage, are not only woven together, but are yoked together (like the plough, the yoke, and oxen), chained together, closely united, that they must pull together, the solutions to their problems. God instituted marriage (joined the two). This was warning of the prohibition of divorce. Any person cannot dissolve what God had instituted, whether the two involved in marriage, their parents, or their relatives/ friends (kiths and kins). God forbids divorce, any formulated law that violates and annuls marriage. Marriage is not and should not be established by laws, contracts, and not even by religious ceremonies. Laws, contracts and religious ceremonies reduce marriage to sin of illicit intercourse, adultery, concubinage and prostitution. The lifespan of marriage, is determined by number of years the two (husband and wife) would live before death. As long as they live, marriage remained permanent. There is no divorce. Paul the apostle wrote in Romans 7:1-3, that: “Know ye not brethren, (for I speak to them that know the law,) how that the law hath dominion over a man as long as he liveth? For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband. So then if, while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man.” Marriage remains valid so long as both the man and the woman are living. Divorce followed by remarriage is prostitution/ adultery.
The phrases ‘shall cleave’, rendered Greek proskollethe histal, or kollethe hisetai, and ‘the two shall become one flesh’, conveys a correct sense, that is hidden to many. The correct sense is that:
(i)                           Man contained a woman in himself, at the point he was created in God’s image, according to Genesis 2:26. The woman was a corporeal unity with, within man. She was inside man. Man was created in God’s image, woman was built in man’s glory- 1 Corinthians 11:7-8.
(ii)                        God divided man into half, in order to build up a woman. In this case, it is perfect to say, that man, just gained his original body, at the point of marriage, when he glued, fitted together with his wife, the concept that Paul the apostle, used in rebuking fornication in Ephesians 5:31, and 1 Corinthians 6:16.
The statement of Jesus Christ, “what therefore God hath joined together”, is completely different from the plural “those whom …” found in the current corrupt biblical translations, which shy to speak against polygamy. The Lord was speaking to us, giving the message to the entire world, which could hear/ understand, and using the example of Adam and Eve.  Christ enunciated the true sense, meaning, purpose of wedlock. The original dictum, motto of marriage, is no divorce – long life, not the practice of divorce, which comes with short life.
When Eve was built, Adam never thought of another woman for himself. He accepted her with open arms- love. He was not greedy, selfish, to bother God, to revisit the marriage again.
The institution of marriage is God’s appointment. Man promotes his infringe, primitive, foolish rules, when he divorces his wife or engaged in polygamy. He opposes God, and acts against nature when he divorces. Christ, as the Son, of God, in oneness with the Father, made it perfectly clear that there is indissolubility of marriage.
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After Adam married the woman- his wife, it is found further, that both transgressed in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3). The transgression was in this wise:
First, the man whose body was used to build a woman, was commanded by God, to eat freely from every tree of the Garden of Eden, except the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:16-17).
Secondly, the serpent, who was exactly the personification of Satan, not crocodile, hippopotamus, sea monster, neither whale, as alleged by some corrupt biblical commentators, subtly deceived Eve (changing the scriptures to his advantage) into eating the forbidden fruit- Genesis 3:6. Eve gave the forbidden fruit to her husband Adam who ate it knowingly. Confer 1 Timothy 2:14.
In other words, both man and the woman collaborated together into transgressing against God. The transgression brought both degradation and ruin. The man in the fallen state was to lead a life full of contradictions and miseries. Because they came in or as one in transgressing against God, they as one were equally driven out of Eden, to survive on their own.
By transgression man brought:
(a)            A curse upon himself, and his entire posterity;
(b)            Saturation of knowledge, something called foolishness;
(c)            Enchantment, false religion, corrupt worship. Atheism was introduced to man, by Satan, when he told Eve, that they would be gods- Genesis 3:5;
(d)            Death to himself, and the entire posterity;
(e)            Strict, severe judicious punishment at the end of the world. Satan as the master of evil inspired man to be evil, by seducing him away from God and truth.
The transgression made a woman to be subject. The husband must now rule over the wife. The appetite, or desire for a better life will be placed upon, or specifically be the husband himself. The man must also be extra careful, after falling into the transgression of the woman, for the woman will, and still presently fronts gender sensitivity, in order to turn the table, in order to rule the man. This is also a desire shown by the woman.
The transgression also brought the multiplication of sorrow, or pain in childbirth. See Genesis 3:16; 1 Corinthians 11:3; 14:34-35; and 1 Timothy 2:11-15. The transgression subjected man into hardship survival. Nothing would be easy unless he works hard- Genesis 3:17-19.
Immediately God completed the prescribed punishment given to man, it was here, that we learnt that Adam named his wife, as Eve {Genesis 3:20}. It is amazing thing to note, that when Adam first met his wife, he called her woman- Genesis 2:23, which is she- man, a female belonging to him, from him, and for him. Adam named her Eve, because she was the mother of all living. The amazing part realized here, is the Hebrew word for Eve. Some had said, the Hebrew word should be Chawaah, also pronounced Hawah. Nevertheless, correctly, the Hebrew word should be Chavvah, which described life. Eve is not only the mother of living people in the word, but also the mother of Redeemer, who will bring eternal life to man by saving man from his sins. Compare 2 Timothy 1:10; 1 Timothy 2:15. The long misery of man will be long universal empire until the end of the world. Adam called his wife Eve, because she is the mother of him, who would give life to a confused, corrupt world dead in trespasses, dead in sin, not through the worship of the virgin Mary brought in/ practiced by the Roman Catholic but the birth of the Messiah (Genesis 4:15). God was not through with man, after punishing him. He gave him second chance, of meeting the Redeemer, repent, and mends his ways for reception of salvation, with the repercussion of eternity.
There are several observations to be made here:
(i)                           There is no greater trespass, than death, which sprung up from Eve, and eventually landed into Adam.
(ii)                        Death cannot be compared to financial loss, grabbing of properties, denial of education, unfaithfulness, called adultery, worship scandals such as cults, destruction, blackmailing, and other wickedness- so on.
Yet Adam did not divorce Eve. He never thought something like that. Equally, Adam never thought of marrying another woman, for there was no other woman, and he did not have marriage greed elsewhere understood as polygamy which in practical sense is adultery- driven by lust, desire of the flesh. He positively saw Eve, as the mother of his entire generations. Eve indeed is the mother of all daughters in marriage. Eve is the mother of Israel, and the Church. She is the mother of the wife of God, and the wife of Christ. Compare Isaiah 54:5. If Adam accepted Eve, even after she had brought death to him, there is no substantial valid reason, as to why the men of the world should divorce their wives. There is no excuse, as to why they would get themselves into polygamy, because of the bad characters of their wives. See Matthew 19:7-9. In God’s program- hardness of the heart due to discontentment, adultery and all sorts of scandals, should not lead to dissolution of marriage- divorce neither development/ ambition of polygamy. If Adam did not call Eve, as the mother of death, though she brought death exactly, then the men of the world should not brand their wives, as mothers of problems, trying to seek solutions from divorce and polygamy.

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