Wednesday 7 February 2018



This subject had been contentious for a very long time. 
The first question is that, is the HOLY BIBLE in our hands the same as the word of God given to his people in the old times? Secondly, why are so many verses altered or changed to the extent that they give different sense to the text? Thirdly, why are too many verses or words omitted? Fourthly, why are there so many versions of the bible?
By whose authority, are these translators based their work on?
Which rights do these translators have to alter the inspired word of God?


In order to deceive mankind, Satan, possessing the body of the serpent, first corrupted the word of God. The LORD God commanded (not told) Adam as recorded in Genesis 2:16-17, that Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.”
Satan on his part, in the body of the serpent told Eve in Genesis 3:1, that: “Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?” Here Satan presented himself as misinformed and never wanted, neither desired, to know the truth. He is a LIAR and the father of liars- John 8:44. His statement was to bring doubt to Eve on what God commanded Adam to do. God commanded Adam to eat of every tree except of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but Satan twisted the statement “Ye shall not eat of every tree.”
Eve instead of rebuking Satan joined forces with him. She said: We may eat of the fruit of the tree of the garden-Genesis 3:2 Get the notion of ‘May’ an aggravation of doubt in her. She also omitted the word ‘freely’ spoken by God to Adam in Genesis 2:16 something that applied to the current bible translators.
She continued: “But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die”- Genesis 3:3. God did not tell Adam of the tree in the midst of the garden. The tree in the midst of the garden was Eve’s discovery or theory just like translators who tried to dig for more discoveries to support their corrupt manuscripts. God prohibited man from eating the tree of knowledge. Eve also lied by adding the words neither shall ye touch it.’ God did not tell Adam not to touch, but not to eat.
Having convinced Eve in his deadly blow of deception, Satan gave the final shot, saying: Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil”- Genesis 3:4-5. No one can change God’s command, other than God himself. Satan desired to be like God, the Most High (Isaiah 14:14). He did the same by deceiving mankind to be like God. God pronounced death to Adam upon violation of his command. Satan promised life in his deception which he never offered neither accomplished.
This is exactly what is happening in the current world. The numerous bible versions we see do not have the aim of simplifying the understanding of the Gospel, neither updating the archaic words used in the old primitive past, but exactly the hands of Satan working in the hearts of evil men in corrupting the word of God for money making. They don’t want people to get saved but to live in wickedness, corrupt worship, of assumptions, prosperity, and many vices.
Peter, the apostle, the son of Jonah, of Bethsaida, originally a fisherman wrote in his epistle that: “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost- 2 Peter1:20-21. The prophecy of the scriptures is the Old Testament, explained from the Greek word graphe. The Old Testament scriptures did not originate from human ingenuity, neither impulse of man. There is nothing good in man that can change man. The wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually- Genesis 6:5. Opinions or wills of men are not the scriptures. The holy men were moved by the Holy Ghost- that is exactly the power of God. They became holy because of God. They became God’s mouth piece. They were God’s penmen. Men did not invent the scriptures, and it is forbidden if they can think of inventing it now. On this account Paul, the apostle told Timothy that: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.-1 Timothy3:16-17. That is the Old Testament and New Testament stood on their toes as they were given by God. They cannot be changed. They cannot be revised.
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Serious bible readers or Christians should know that there is “the original Bible” in our possession, as well as the fake bibles. The war in the Bible versions or translations had dramatically taken the shape in respect to the rift between Catholic and Protestants. What led to Protestants breaking away from the Roman Catholic was the issue of the scriptures, in 1550. The then pioneers discovered corruption in Latin Vulgate, as they read Greek parallel, in something that later came to be known as Erasmus Greek Testament, as well as comparison to the preserved Masoretic text. Just as Roman Catholic prevented people from accessing the scripture in old times, the same is done today by bringing in fake bibles in order to doubt the word of God.  Please note that Greek Text existed before 50-100 A.D. Erasmus first printed it, and made it publicly available in 1516. Textus Receptus came in 1624, long after King James Version in 1611. King James Version, also called Authorized Version is based on Masoretic text that preserved the Hebrew text in A.D. 900 and Erasmus Greek Testament.
God had preserved his word. There is no reason to speculate neither made the assumptions that the word of God as given to people of old days were long destroyed, and people have to rely on fragmentary materials or manuscripts. It is not democracy, where the majority votes carry the day.

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1.    The Hebrew Text.
Serious care was taken by the Jews to preserve the scriptures immediately after the end of Babylonian captivity, during the time of Ezra. In Nehemiah 8:8, the record was very straight that: “So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading.” A similar alphabetic script dating 1750 to1550 B.C. found in Sinai revealed the sense  of the mound of Old Lachish from Israel, containing  bowl, jar and a sword containing brief inscriptions- Joshua 10:31-32. 26 letters found at Lachish consisted of broken pieces of pottery on which were in scripted the original Hebrew by a military commander during Nebuchadnezzar in 588 B.C. The Hebrew canons were preserved on animal skins, elsewhere rendered vellum or parchment, and also on papyrus. Papyrus grew in the marshes of River Nile.
Many men of God wrote the Hebrew bible. It sacredness and authority was recognized by the Jews throughout, from Diaspora to Mainland. Present scholars who disputed that papyrus and parchments are outdated, specifically analog, in preference to codices are deceiving the people and indeed are used by Roman Catholic in corruption of the scriptures.
Two things are important. First, is that the Hebrew bible had not changed. The one today is the same as original. No alterations of language presentation. The language is original. Secondly, it must be taken seriously into account that we have autograph copies of the Hebrews and Greek scriptures. These are Masoretic text and Erasmus Greek Testament. These are called originals. Only evil men, doubters tried to destroy them. Hebrew named Onkelos, believed to be a pupil of Gamaliel tried to corrupt the Hebrew text in his Targum, in order to support codices, a man whom majority of bible commentators support.
2.    The Septuagint.
This was a Greek translation made by learned Jews from Alexandria in Egypt, from the Hebrew bible. The number of the learned Jews were 70 hence LXX, even though some believed them to be 72. The Pentateuch was completely translated in 250 B.C. during the reign of Ptolemy Lagos and the entire work was finished in 285 B.C., during the reign of Ptolemy Philadelphus.
These Greek speaking Jews did not use the classical language, but rather the common Greek language of the New Testament called Koine. The aim of the translation was not to convince the Gentiles, but to preserve the true worship of God among the Jews of Dispersion in the language they commonly used. For this reason, of the literal and simple translation, the Jews respected it with high esteem, quoting it frequently in their Talmud.
Septuagint, also called  LXX, was exactly original translation from original Hebrew manuscript. The evidence is the oldest extant fragments from papyrus roll of Deuteronomy dated 150 A.D., found on Egyptian mummy, and is now kept in the John Ryland’s Library, Manchester, England.

When Alexandrian Jews requested the scholar Aquila to edit the LXX in 2nd century A.D., some errors crept in. The differences or variations noticed in the LXX, was as a result of   the work of Origen in 240 A.D. Roman Catholic used this man to corrupt LXX. He was their bishop.

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Most of the modern bible versions originated from Roman Catholic. The translations are based on ALEXANDRIAN TEXT, also called CODEX ALEXANDRINUS, CODEX VATICANUS and CODEX SINAITICUS. It is important to the reader  to notice as to why so many verses are missing from the new versions based on these corrupt manuscripts. It is because of  omissions in these codices.
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Codex Alexandrinus.
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Is also called Codex Alexandrinus, “A”.
This codex is believed to be written in the first half of 5th century A.D. and is kept in the British Museum. It was offered by Cyril Lucar patriarch of Constantinople, now Istanbul in Turkey to King James of England and Ireland in 1624, before his death with the aim of convincing the king to abolish the bible version in his own name, called KING JAMES VERSION. The offer was meant to be a gift into confusing the king that an old manuscript had been found that was out of the reach of the committees of King James Version translators. The king however rejected the offer having fully understood the conspiracy, and the disaster it would bring to Christian domains.
After the king’s death the offer was again made to his successor king Charles I, who accepted it in 1627. The codex remained the property of successive English kings, until 1757 when GeorgeII gave it to Royal Library later named British Museum. The codex had corrupt and unreliable history. Contemporary stated that it was brought to Constantinople, now Istanbul by Cyril Lucar from Alexandria in Egypt where he had previously served as patriarch, hence the name Codex Alexandrinus. Can anything good come from Egypt, the people used by Satan to oppress the Hebrews? ILLUMINATI also look for the origin of their god plus religion in this place.
Codex Alexandrinus originally corrupted the entire bible plus additional early writings. The Old Testament did not have Genesis 14:14-17; 15:1-5,16-19; 16:6-9; 1Samuel 12:18-14:9; Psalms 49:20-79:11. It had 4 books of Maccabees, additional of two books to 1 and 2 Maccabees in the Apocrypha. It added Epistle of Athanasius to Marcel Linus on the Psalter after Psalms, and also added Psalms 151.
Can you see the crafty work of Satan on this codex?
The New Testament omitted Matthew1:1-25:6; John 6:50-8:52, and 2Corinthians 4:13-12:6. The New Testament included two epistles of Clement of Rome a clear evidence of Catholic’s participation in this corrupt manuscript. Its leaves were 123/4x101/4 inches in size. This corrupt manuscript appeared in Walton’s Polygot Bible in1657, Revised Version in 1881 to 1885, American Standard Version in1901, Revised Standard Version in1946 to 1952, New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures by Jehovah Witnesses, Clear Word Bible by Seventh Day Adventist, among others.
E. Maund Thompson edited a photographic facsimile of the entire manuscript, and published it in1879 to 1883. It was published in a reduced facsimile in 1909 to 1936.
HOW CAN THE BIBLES TRANSLATED FROM THIS CODEX BE ACCURATE? That’s why in NIV BIBLE COMMENTARY it is argued that the record from John7:52 to the story woman accused of adultery in John 8:1-11, were not in the original manuscript. Which manuscript do they refer as original, if not this corrupt CODEX ALEXANDRINUS?
Codex Vaticanus.
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Believed to be the oldest manuscript, though its age cannot surpass the papyri. The codex appeared in the catalogue of the Vatican Library, St. Peter’s Square, Catholic Church, Rome, in A.D. 1481. It is sometimes called Codex “B”. The codex is dated 4th century A.D., (not necessarily accurate but the date given by scholars defending it) written in 3 columns to the page in a neat uncial hand.
To begin with the codex did not contain the entire Bible. It omitted the Books of Maccabees and Prayer of Manasseh in Apocrypha. Scriptures missing in the Old Testament were: 46 chapters of Genesis; Psalms 105-137, 1 Samuel 11-13 and 2 Samuel 2:5-7, 10-13. This is the reason why the corrupt versions had various readings for 1 Samuel 13:1. For instance ESV- Saul was one year old when he reigned for two years in Israel, ASV- Saul was thirty years old when he began to reign, reigned one year; and when he had reigned two years over Israel. In Hosea 12:3, the ASV had corrupted the passage to read that: He {Jacob} took his brother by the heel in the womb, and by his manhood {reproductive organ} he had power with God. IMAGINE THIS KIND OF BLASPHEMY.
In the New Testament the codex did not contain Matthew 1-4,6,17-18,  25 onwards, Roman 8, 1 Corinthians 7 to 16, Pastoral Epistles, entire epistle of Hebrews. That is the reason as to why modern versions deny Paul, the apostle’s authorship of Hebrews. Again it is the same reason why Romans 8:1, is not complete in modern versions. NIV, in 1Corinthians 7:1, states that Paul the apostle wrote that: “…. It is not good for a man to marry.” This was a lie, corruption to support Celibacy in Roman Catholic.
 The codex did not have Revelation chapters 1-14, again from 17 to 22. The Epistles of James, 1&2 Peter, and 1, 2, &3 John were contentious scriptures placed after The Acts of Apostles. Again 1John 5:7-8 was missing. This is the reason as to why there are various renderings of 1 John 5:7-8 in modern versions.
It contained less leaves, each measuring 101/2x10 inches, from the purported pages of 820.
Biblical scholars found it difficult to ascertain the contents, or authenticity of Codex Vaticanus, even after the time, the German named Tischendorf Von Constantine, after several months of waiting, was permitted to see it for six hours in 1843.
It was full of errors, twisted the scriptures, to the extent that the Vatican Authorities put a stumbling block in the ways of Scholars who wanted to study it. It was revealing the hands of Roman Catholic in corrupting the word of God. Tischendorf however promoted it extensively, since he hated King James Version.
Here is the recapitulation of Codex Vaticanus:
(1)            In the Gospels alone, Codex Vaticanus left out words/ clauses more than 1,491 times.
(2)            Codex Vaticanus had careless transcription on every page.
(3)            Codex Vaticanus had open/ gross cases of misspelling, faulty grammar, and omissions.
(4)            Codex Vaticanus had been corrected, by revisers in the 8th, 10th and 15th centuries. These revisers wrote their own opinions, not the scriptures.
(5)            Codex Vaticanus had been mutilated, overwritten, doctored, and added for more than 10 centuries. Therefore, it is not clear to date it as 4th century A.D.
(6)            Codex Vaticanus omitted more than 749 sentences, 452 clauses, plus 237 other words, from Matthew to Luke alone. Total numbers of words omitted were more than 2,877 words.
(7)            Mark 16:9-20 was omitted, but blank space, column, was left, in order to insert further corrupt verses.
(8)            Hebrews was omitted because it pointed stoppage of priesthood in the Roman Catholic.
(9)            Codex Vaticanus was reminiscent of Classical and Platonic Greek, not Koine Greek. Nestle Text, revised it to appear like Koine Greek.
(10)      Codex Vaticanus, all in all, was corrupt and unreliable.

Cardinal Mai, in 1857 and 1859, published two editions of the manuscript. They were found to be fully useless, because of their inaccuracies, and far from original.
The German Tischendorf visited Vatican again with the aim of editing, publishing the manuscript in 1866, but his request was rejected by Vatican Authorities. He was only allowed to read it 3 hours a day. In that same year after a couple of days Tischendorf was caught red handed copying Codex Vaticanus contrary to the agreement between him and the Vatican Authorities.  His permit was revoked, but he pleaded with Authorities to pardon him. Eventually, he was authorized to renew his work for 6 additional days. He had in total 14 days to hurriedly complete his work. He finally published the Codex in 1867, and the Vatican Authorities presented the publication of facsimile edition to scholars in 1889 to 1890.
This corrupt manuscript is part of the manuscripts used by NIV translators in 1978.
How can this codex, discovered and revised/ corrected in 1843, 1857-1859, 1866, 1889-1890, be more accurate or reliable than the AUTHORIZED VERSION, commonly called KING JAMES VERSION of 1611?
Codex Sinaiticus.
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Is also called Aleph and contained limited fragments of the Old Testaments of equal age with Codex Vaticanus, “B”. This corrupt manuscript is in the British Museum.
Tischendorf von Constantine who discovered Codex Vaticanus, styling himself as the Biblical detective was again taken as the hero who discovered Codex Sinaiticus.
In his search for older manuscript, the German travelled to Middle East, where he happened to visit St. Catherine Monastery- an Orthodox Church, at Mount Sinai in 1844. In this Monastery, there was a Library where the German was employed to work. On his time of service, he spied in a wastebasket some leaves of vellum, used for lighting stove, with the oldest Greek writings on them that he had never seen. Examining closer, the leaves contained part of the Greek Bible, purported to be Septuagint. The German by permission picked 43 leaves and kept them, since two baskets were already been destroyed on fire, as revealed to him by the librarian.
Later more sheets were brought to be burnt. This time Tischendorf requested for more 80 leaves. The librarian made to him perfectly clear that they were corrupt manuscripts, had not been used/ neglected for a long time and that was the reason as to why they must be burnt. He even told Tischendorf to examine seriously the 43 leaves he picked earlier, in his possession to see the scriptural corruption. Tischendorf did not mind to do so because he hated King James Version, Erasmus Greek Testament and Textus Receptus.
Tischendorf deliberately neglected the advice. He pressed for the 80 leaves. This prompted the Orthodox monks of St. Catherine Monastery to become suspicious of his evil agenda of picking the leaves of the corrupted manuscripts, and in the process would not let him have them.
Tischendorf left Sinai with the 43 leaves he had picked. He found that they contained 1 Chronicle; 2 Edras, Tobit, Jeremiah and the entire book of Esther. Tischendorf presented to King  Frederick Augustus of Saxony, and published the contents of the 43 leaves as Codex Frederico- Augustanus. They are now in the University of Leipzing Library, now identified as Karl- Marx Universitatsbibliothek, and were separated from the rest of Codex Sinaiticus.
Tischendorf returned again to Mount Sinai in 1853, but this time his mission was unsuccessful.
In 1859 he made another attempt, travelling at the expense of Czar Alexander II of Russia. Almost on the brink of failing again, on the day he was supposed to return to his country, the German happened to meet one of the Orthodox stewards from St. Catherine Monastery, who surprisingly told him he had a copy of the Septuagint. The steward was suspicious himself, because he was agent used by Orthodox- Catholic relationship to conceal the real scriptures, in order to give the corrupt one. The steward even asked himself: “Would this visitor like to see it?”
Tischendorf  had no choice, but to go and examine the manuscript.  He, remembering his earlier failures because of excessive enthusiasm was calm in his remarks as he studied the remaining of the manuscript he had first seen 14 years earlier. Old Testament had only 156 leaves, that is, most scriptures were missing. The New Testament had all, though extensively corrupted. It was strange that this New Testament had added New Testament Apocrypha which includes:  “The Epistle of Barnabas and part of the Shepherd of Hermas- all these lay under his rapt gaze.
Tischendorf, the German, tried to purchase the manuscript, but the steward refused. He tried to borrow it and take it from Mount Sinai to Cairo, but the steward refused again.
An oblique approach then knocked sense to his brain. He suggested  to the Orthodox steward that since Czar Alexander II of Russia, was the protector of the Greek Orthodox Church in Russia, it would be gracious act to present the manuscript to him. The Orthodox monks of St. Catherine Church, wanted election of a new bishop to replace the one they termed radically rebel. They needed Czar’s help, so they agreed to Tischendorf proposal. They gave him the corrupt manuscript in order to get Czar’s favour.  Surely! Can one use a Bible, genuine manuscript to bribe his way? THIS TRANSACTION WAS EVIL. THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO GET ORIGINAL BIBLE BUT PIRACY, CORRUPT. THIS WAS CORRUPT GREEK TEXT.
Tischendorf presented the useless manuscript to Czar, who in turn did not only see one of the Orthodox monks elected bishop, but also gave them a present of 9,000 rubles and certain honorary decorations. Czar Alexander II of Russia took the manuscript to the Imperial Library at St. Petersburg.
A corrupt and suspicious facsimile of Codex Sinaiticus was published by Oxford University Press: New Testament in 1911 and Old Testament from photographs taken by Kirsopp Lake in 1922.
In 1933, Soviet Government, now Russia, sold the Codex Sinaiticus for 100, 000 British sterling pounds to British Museum.
Some minor copies were retained at the Public Library, called Saltykov- Shchredrin at Leningrad in 1957 and 1958.
Tischendorf deceived the world with this corrupt manuscript.
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KING JAMES VERSION, 1611, IS THE ONLY ACCURATE, PROPERLY TRANSLATED, WORD OF GOD.  The rest, modern versions are corrupt, and are human inventions for making money.
Agur, the son of Jakeh, wrote in Proverbs 30:5-6, that: “Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee and thou be found a liar.”
Agur was very straight and perfectly clear on his statement. Every word of God is pure,” that is everything spoken by God is holy and truth. It is his word that is truth. It is his truth that can bring us to his holiness. Jesus Christ, the only Begotten Son of God said: “…Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”- John 8:32. In other words: “If you know a lie, then the lie will keep you into bondage of darkness.” The lie will keep you in the squabbles between Catholic and Protestants. Truth brings salvation, lie brings damnation. Truth is life. Lie is death. What is this truth? What is this word? Jesus Christ is the truth. He said in John 14:6, that: “I am the way, truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Again Jesus Christ is the word as attested in John1:14, and 1 John1:1-3 respectively. If Jesus Christ is truth, then Satan is the lie. If Jesus Christ is the word, then Satan is speculation, corruption brought by the new versions. If Christ is the way, then Satan is the lost- out of the way. If Jesus Christ is life, then Satan is death.
Another deep understanding is that: Every word of God is pure” in the sense that every word of God has been smelted and refined. Adam and Eve, the first parents, brought sin, corruption to God’s word. God smelted his word by bringing in Jesus Christ, his Son to die for the sins of believing intercourse. God refined his word by forgiving those who believed on his Son. God’s word has been tested and proven in the furnace of man’s experience.
The word of God had no mixture of falsehood and corruption in it. If one did not believe the King James Version bible in his/her old days, then the person should not deceive him or herself that he or she can believe the modern versions. The bible versions or words of men can be heard, read and defended with jealousy and with allowance, but there is no ground to say the least, to suspect any deficiency in the word of God. Paul, the apostle wrote: “God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar…”- Romans 3:4. God’s word cannot be improved, revised neither be updated using corrupt manuscripts. It is folly to seek to do so.   Anyone engaged in such practice is inviting God’s wrath upon him/herself. If you don’t understand God’s word seek help from him- James 1:5LET KING JAMES VERSION STANDS FOR IT IS IRREPLACEABLE.
Pure, in other words rendered Holy is the name of God. The Hebrews called the name Elo`a,’ commonly used in the book of Job.
David, the son of Jesse, wrote in Psalms 12:6, that: “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.” He again wrote in Psalms 119:140, that: Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it.” It is completely sure, and hence we must believe the word, hope fully for eternity, and venture our souls upon it. God in his word, not the versions changing with the world, not the versions changing with technology…. “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him- 1 John 2:15. God in his promise, is a shield, a sure protection, to all those that put themselves under his powerful protection, and put their trust on him. Paul, the apostle quoted Habakkuk 2:4, in Romans 1:17, that: “….The just shall live by faith”, not by simple modern versions of the bible. God’s word cannot change. It is forever- Matthew 5:18; 24:35. James from his epistle, wrote that: “…. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways”- James 1:6-8. People can appear under cover of religion. They may believe this today, and believe that tomorrow. They are lifted by short lived faith, but completely drown into distrust. That man will not receive anything from God. His prayers will not be answered. The word of God is not a matter of comparing versions. The word of God, as applied by faith, not double minds, will make us excel from the dangers of corruption brought by modern versions. The record in Psalms 46:1-3, states, that: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be moved, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea: Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake, with the swelling thereof. Selah.”
By saying that Add thou not unto his words…” Agur, the son of Jakeh, meant that the word of God which is pure and perfect forbids the advancing of anything, not only in contradiction to the word of God, but in competition with it. People add with the plausible pretense of explaining it. They pretend the addition to be having equal authority to God’s word. Adding to God’s word not only brings reproach to them as insufficient, but also open doors of all manner of errors and corruption, for that one absurdity being granted, that the word of any man- Catholic, or company of men- deceived Protestants, is to be received with the same or equal faith and veneration as the word of God, a thousand follow. This happened exactly with the modern versions. We must be content with the bible God had given us- that is KING JAMES VERSION. We don’t need to change the bible to conform to the world. God has his word whether the world like it or not. It is only we that need change. We should not covet to be wise above what was written, because in doing so: First, God will reprove thee. He will resent it as a heinous fault. He will bring that person to nothing. He will reckon with that person as a traitor against his crown and dignity, and lay him under the heavy doom of those that add, or removed his word, hence Deuteronomy 4:2, which stated, that: “You shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.” Again Deuteronomy 12:32 states, that: “What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it.” In Isaiah 34:16, it is directed that: “Seek ye out of the books of the LORD, and read: no one of these shall fail….” Secondly translators would run into endless mistakes: Thou shall be found a liar, a corrupter of the word of truth, a broacher of heresies, and guilty of the worst forgeries, counterfeiting the Great Truth, seal of heaven, and pretending a divine mission and inspiration, when it is all tricks, a cheat, darkened human minds. The world can be deceived, but God’s word stands. God cannot be mocked- Galatians 6:7.
2 Corinthians 4:1-4 states, that: Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy,  we faint not; But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God. But if our Gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.”


First advice from Noah: Noah in his blessing, and cursing said: “Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant”- Gen.9:26-27.
Canaan was the son of Ham. In the earliest time Ham was used to identify Egypt- Psalms 78:51, and in the course of time, Africa, beginning from Egypt, was known as “the Land of Ham”- Psalms 105:23,27; 106:22.
We must get it perfectly clear that Noah said: “Blessed be the LORD God of Shem”, and NOT “Blessed be the LORD God of Ham”.
Never should it be made to appear so, hence no true/ original manuscript could be found neither derived from “The Land of Hamwhich is Egypt or Africa generally.
“Blessed be the LORD God of Shem”, is a clear indication that true worship originated from Hebrews, from Israel proper. This true worship also revealed true or original manuscripts. Original manuscripts were from Hebrews. They are original because they received them directly from God. “And the LORD spake unto  Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend….”- Exodus 33:11.
Japheth, shall dwell in the tent of Shem, is a clear indication, that, the entire white race- the Indo-European group of nations would derive their true worship as well as original manuscripts from Israel, not Egypt. If Erasmus Greek Testament, or Textus Receptus, were from Antioch, then why should not they study it, after all the apostles were first called Christians in Antioch- Acts 11:26, instead of wasting time searching for corrupt Satanic manuscripts from Egypt?
First true worship is with Israel, then followed by Indo-Europeans, then the  Hamitic race, and not vice versa.
Second advice from Moses:
The children of Israel, who tempted God, with the things of Egypt, never made it through to Canaan- The Promised Land, but perished in the wilderness- Exodus 17:2,7; Numbers 21:5,6; Deuteronomy 6:6; 1Corinthians 10:9.
Alternatively death, both physical and spiritual, is calling mankind worldwide using the modern bible versions. It is also unfortunate that the corrupt bible versions, developed from the corrupt manuscripts discovered in Egypt will make the people involved perish and subsequently got lost in hell. These versions cannot bring people to the salvation brought by Jesus Christ because they are completely weak in the Gospel presentation.
Third advice from Paul the Apostle:
Paul, the apostle spoke of “one covenant, from Mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar” in Galatians 4:24, that is to say, that the manuscripts from Mount Sinai, called Codex Sinaiticus, and other codices are bringing, dragging many souls into the bitter slavery of darkness, to the lost. They are handy works of Satan, on the children of disobedient purported to be in Christianity.

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  1. Thank you for a well written article. Your commentary is profoundly challenging in today's culture of new teaching derivatives born by subtle deceptive changes seen in prolific revisions of the KJV Bible.
    I have a sense of needing to continue reseaeching the subject due to several references in this article; one in particular is Gal 6:1-2, 4-6,10.

    My Spirit causes me concern; ultimately, God's children must not lose any portion of God's Grace by not walking with Him as He teaches us His Word

    1. Thank you brother. God bless you in the name of Jesus Christ. The world is currently entertaining false gospel, watered down.
