Tuesday 25 October 2016



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There are three items to test a false prophet:
 First- Theological.
 Does this prophet serve the God of Israel? A matter of divine service must touch about obeying God absolutely. No one can be genuine prophet by only lip profession. James made it perfectly clear that: “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face on a glass: For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was”- James 1:22-24. 

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Jesus Christ said, as recorded in Matthew 7:15-20, that: “Beware of false prophets which came to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” One cannot say: “Praise the Lord”, when he cannot walk the talk, when he is miserably below the standard set by the Gospel.
Bare hearers, rendered Greek paralogizomenoi, literally self deceivers, describes men’s disputing sophistically to themselves; their thinking, reasoning, ambitions, is manifestly deceitful and corrupt when they would make one part of their work discharge them from the obligation they deceive under to another, or persuade themselves that filling their heads with notions is self sufficient, though their hearts be empty of good affections and resolutions, and their lives fruitless of good works. Self-deceit is currently, and will be found to be the worst of all.
This is exactly what is happening with false prophets. They are not godly. They have evil agenda. They soothe their consciences, temporarily, using the same to deceive people.
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The false prophets, rendered in Greek pseudo-propheta, produce false commissions, pretend to have immediate warrant and direction from God to set up their prophecies, and claimed to be divinely inspired, when they are not. They hang out false colours with design, under pretense, but their motive is to attack the truth. “Take heed of those who pretend to have received revelation, and admit them not without sufficient proof, lest that one absurdity being admitted, a thousand follow.” Suspect them, try them, discover their deception, avoid them- do not have fellowship with them, have nothing to do with them. “Stand with God, with Jesus Christ, upon your guard against the temptation of this world where majority are materialists, which dramatically signaled the end of the world.”
The false prophets are ravening wolf in the sheep’s clothing. In other words they attired themselves as God’s prophets, when they are not. No wonder we see some in white robes, white suites and with long hairy beards, to make them appear like the ancient Hebrew prophets. “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the minister of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works”- 2 Corinthians 11:14-15. They are the thieves who come to tear, devour, and feed or consume the sheep, called Christians, spoken by Christ in John 10:1. They are grievous wolves in Act 20:29. Those who serve their own belly in Romans 16:18, and are called the enemies of the cross in Philippians 3:18. The design of their pretensions is very malicious and mischievous. We must prove all things- 1 Thessalonians 5:21, try the spirits in them- 1 John 4:1, and must have touchstone, the end result- “shall know them by their fruits.” Fruit is the discovery of the tree, not the bark, not the leaves, not the spreading of its boughs, not the environment where it is planted. Therefore the same applies to false prophets. Their fruit is not what they preach, not the cathedrals they have built, not the charitable organizations they have established, not the miracles they have performed, not the people tested to be HIV-, and so on.
Second- Moral test.
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How can a polygamous prophet condemn plural marriages? How can a celibate person encourage marriage? What about adulterous person who claimed to be a prophet? What about materialist ministers who abhors evil in order to get tithes? See Jeremiah 23:9; 13-14, 17-18, 19, 22. False prophets prophesy peace when there is war, prophesy prosperity when the nation is sinking in greed, proclaimed harvest when there is drought, promised holiness when they are gripped by corruption- are themselves wicked, declare political leader to be God- fearing when the person is involved in secret societies, and presided wedding of divorcees moved by lust. These false prophets neither loved, nor walked close to God. See Matthew 24:5, 11 for the warning given by Jesus Christ, before ascending into heaven. The world is in confusion with wonder and astonishment, because of false prophets. People’s hearts are under religious oppression with grief and vexation because of false prophets. False prophets had supported being gay, tribal or religious bloodshed, human trafficking to back up satanic rituals and miracle babies to barren couples, immorality existing in condom campaigns, abortion rights, divorce/ remarriage, and feminism, making the world to be exactly Sodom and Gomorrah.
Third- Fulfillment.
Does the prophecy claimed to be, have been told by the person, had been accomplished? If not, then it is fabricated guesswork, speculation, human imagination. Does the person know the exact scene of the prophecy? Some admit they are not sure, whether in body or in spirit, a clear evidence that they are false prophets. Is the prophecy referred to past event? If so, then it is history, not prophecy whatsoever. No prophet of God called past events as prophecies.
The record in Deuteronomy 18:22, states: “When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken presumptuously: thou shall not be afraid of him.”
Three things generate wider understanding from this record: First, one MUST KNOW that God does not speak to false prophets. If God does not, then Satan does. Satan is the god of false prophets, who technically give them the ability to counterfeit the word of God. False prophets had founded dozens of denominations, on false claims, deceiving that they had heard voices from God. Their aim is to run these denominations for their financial gains, and also to trap the unwary, into the world of darkness.
 Second, one MUST KNOW that the false prophet had spoken presumptuously. The word presumptuous is connected to sin, as recorded in Psalms 19:13, which stated: “Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression”. Peter, the apostle alluding to the statement, wrote, warning Christians about false prophets, that: “But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, self willed, they are not afraid to speak of dignities”- 2 Peter 2:10. The meaning of presumptuous is very simple and perfectly clear. It explains willful, intentional, deliberate, wisdom in one’s eyes, personified and even rash. The false prophet intentionally brings false prophecy. He does it willfully. He appears, or deceives himself and his followers, presenting wisdom, in his own eyes saying “the LORD spoke to him”, yet from his heart, the soul itself, he knows that no such thing was spoken to him. The person deliberately called himself “the Mighty Prophet of the LORD”, yet he is a mere creature, who cannot even reach the standard comparison to God’s Son- Christ himself. He is a creature, struggling with sin and in dare need of salvation. The person is a sinful prophet, who deceives that his sinful prophecies are from God. He is an irrational person, making irrational decisions, and rushing into their own conclusions. He made himself, his own personal god, and imposes it on others.
In clear sense one MUST KNOW that the false prophet spoke sinfully, his own sin- corrupt things from his brain, and present them (deceitfully) as if they are from God.
God is good. He is not bad, neither the author of bad things- Matthew 19:17. Everything he made was good- Genesis 1:31. Therefore we can conclude, as James, the Lord’s brother wrote, that: “Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man”- James 1:13. Apostle Paul, on his part indicated: “God forbid: Yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written (that is Psalm 51:4), That thou mightiest be justified in thy sayings, and mightiest overcome when thou art judged”- Romans 3:4. John, the apostle, son of Zebedee, supported this, when he wrote in his epistle, that: “This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all”- 1 John 1:5.
Third, one SHOULD NOT be afraid of him. That is to say, they should not be afraid of judgments such the false prophet might denounce to amuse people and strike terror upon them; nor be afraid of executing the Gospel, indeed exposing him thoroughly, when upon a strict open and impartial scrutiny, it appeared he is a false prophet.
The passage used by false prophets to defend them is Psalm 105:15, which stated: “….Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.” God does not anoint any person to speak lies, the opposite of the prophecy he is supposed to give to the audience. False prophets should stop speaking the name of God in vain (Exodus 20:7). The record in Psalms was applied in respect to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and not to false prophets. A prophet of God is described as anointed in the sense that he has been called by God, set apart by God to do his service. A false prophet, on the other hand, had been set apart by Satan- God’s enemy, who had categorically turned the person to be enemy of God, and in the process, using him, to destroy the Gospel, as he imitates the prophet of God.

God’s prophet is indestructible, until he has accomplished the work God had assigned him to do. False prophets are destined to death, that is physical, and their souls eternally lost. The laws given to Moses subjected them into death penalty which was, and is picturesque to eternal death or damnation.
The record in 2 Peter 2:12, speaks more of false prophets, that: “But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption.”
In other words, they are dumb, irrational animals, creatures of instinct, who do not know that their own destruction is near. These brute or dumb creatures follow the instinct of their sensitive appetites, and sinful man follows the inclination of his carnal mind, following these brute creatures blindly. All of them, flock together, or sailed on the same boat, in the sense that they refuse adamantly, rudely, to employ the understanding and reason God has given them, and so are ignorant of what they might and ought to know. They boast of financial prosperity. They boast of the wealth they have acquired- economy. They boast of the state security they enjoy. They boast of miracles they performed by the work of their hands, yet they used voodoo magic/ witchcraft to blindfold their followers. But the fact remained that, they as irrational (wild), dumb animals, they were born to be caught (captured) or trapped, and be killed. They will not understand the Gospel, because they are the mouths of false prophecies. Even if they speak sweet things, then so long as they are false, then it can be perfectly said that they “speak evil of the things that they understand not.”
The children of Israel were given commands on how to deal with false prophets, in the entire chapter of Deuteronomy 13. False prophet was famously known as dreamer of dreams. In other words, everything he gave as prophecies were products of his own imaginations.
The next thing the false prophet was known for was that: “Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them”. In other words the false prophet was advocating rebellion against the all powerful God, just like in the present times. In the present times, they are turning people away from Christ. They are hunting for followers everywhere, for their own advantages. Further, performing miracles, or even claiming some events, to be fulfilled, did not prove the self claimed prophet, to be true prophet from God. This false prophet is exactly evil, which the children of Israel, were instructed to put away from the midst of them.

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This is proven, by below facts:
(1)          THEOLOGICALLY.
(a)           False prophet, Dr. David Edward Owuor, had brought, or taught rebellion specifically against God, by bringing feminism in the Gospel domain. While Genesis 3:16; Proverbs 31:3; 1 Corinthians 14:33-34; 1 Timothy 2:11-12, condemn women leadership, including preaching in the Church, Dr. Owuor, had elevated women in the positions of pastors, bishops, deacons, et al. He had supported women bossy preachers who thought that by hardcore evil insult/ disgraceful babbling or utterances, they have trampled on men.
(b)          Dr. David Edward Owuor, had acted, like Esau, who sold his birth right for a morsel of food. He has acted like Balak, who was bribed by Balaam to curse the children of Israel. He has acted like Judas Iscariot, who for 30 pieces of silver only- love for materialism, offered, sold his soul to Satan, in order to betray Christ. Jesus Christ gave orders concerning the responsibility of spreading the Gospel. He said, as, recorded: In Matthew 28:19: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations…”In Luke 24:47: “And repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.” No single passage did Jesus Christ give authority for his name to be used for business purposes, religious, neither for denominational establishment. There is only one Church for Christ. It is not called Repentance and Holiness ministry. It will never be whatsoever.
Dr. David Edward Owuor, is traveling the world over, searching for the misinformed, simple innocent souls to be trapped in his movement. He is a thief, a conman {visit: www.nairobinews.nation.co.ke}, one who twist the Gospel, wolf in the sheep skin, poaching for Christians. He is like Esau- the profane, Balak, Judas Iscariot, of the present century. He is seeking for his own followers, not the followers of Christ. In most occasions he felt uneasy to declare Christ. What he says is that “the Lord/ lord spoke to me”. One is left to wonder “who are this Lord/ lord?” The lord of liars who makes Owuor to lie is Satan. Jesus Christ revealed this in John 8:44. This man uses Maitreya spirit (www.evangelicalendtimemachine.com). See also www.youtube.com/owuor calls Jesus Lord, and said Jesus sits under his (Owuor's) feet. Here Owuor is uttering blasphemy just as Satan, a clear demonstration that he is satanist.
(c)           Image result for false prophets in africa 
Dr. David Edward Owuor calls himself “the mighty prophet of the Lord.” This is exactly blasphemy, before God Almighty whom we truly serve, before Jesus Christ, and before us, the Christians. Moses described, or foretold Jesus Christ as a prophet raised by God in the midst of Israel in Deuteronomy 18:15, 18, a clear message that was verified by Peter, the apostle while addressing the Jews in Acts 3:22, and Stephen, in his defense, before stoned to death in Acts 7:37. Jesus Christ was directly called prophet in Luke 7:16; John 4:19; 7:40.
Two things should be made straight here, perfectly clear: First, we do not deny the existence of prophetic office in the New Testament. Prophetic office exists, as seen in Romans 12:5-7; 1 Corinthians 11:4-5, 14:19-40  and prophets mentioned directly in 1 Corinthians 12:28-29.
Secondly, according to Hebrews 1:1-3, God, in most cases, does not speak to us though prophets as in the old times, but “by his Son, Jesus Christ, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds.” In all, prophets were not described as “mighty of the Lord” whatsoever. God is the one who appoint prophets in the Church. He is the same God who relieved them of their prophetic duties. So, Jesus Christ is more important than any prophet that emerges in the world whether they call him mighty, or man of God, and Dr. Owuor is not exemption- “Search the scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me”- John 5:29. God cannot be influenced by academic credentials. He cannot be downplayed by struggle for survival where a person choses the path of evil for his own enrichment.
The logic is very simple, perfectly clear, and very straight forward in our eyes. The God whom we serve, the God of Hebrews, the God of Israel, and the God of genuine believers- Christians, not infidels, is called THE ALMIGHTY GOD, THE MOST HIGH GOD, ALL IN ALL, I AM- JEHOVAH, and so on.
There is no single passage in the scriptures, referring a prophet as “the mighty prophet,” neither, to be specific as “the mighty prophet of the Lord.”
David, the son of Jesse, described God as “mighty,” when he wrote in Psalms 24:8, that: “Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.”
If God, who is the Father of the entire creation, is Mighty, then no one is mighty. Alternatively if God is Almighty, then only his begotten Son, Jesus Christ is mighty, both here on earth,  heaven, and the world to come, which is New Heaven and New Earth, and not any prophet whatsoever.

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In clear sense, by calling himself, as “the mighty prophet of the Lord,” Dr. David Edward Owuor, claimed technically to be:
(i)                         Deity before his followers. That is the reason, why most people who followed Dr. David Edward Owuor, always bow to him, tremble, and see him as a god who had his own eternal place to take them, spreading VIP carpet to him. They are lost in this senseless, divinely bankrupt materialistic man. His followers worship him in a cryptic way. Watch God exposed false prophet Dr. David Owuor on www.youtube.com
(ii)                     A second person. That is, he claimed himself to be Christ. Jesus Christ is the only Way, Truth and the Life. Jesus Christ is the only way to God, and the next Person to the Father. If Dr. David Edward Owuor, calls himself “the mighty prophet of the Lord” then he is seriously claiming to have replaced Jesus Christ, for only Christ is “mighty”, as God is “Almighty”. He is just another black confusing pope from Kenya.
Jesus Christ put it perfectly clear in Matthew 15:13, that: “Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.” In other words the corrupt opinions and superstitious practices of Dr. Owuor, and his sect- Repentance and Holiness/ King’s ministry, their ways/ culture and their governing constitution are not plants of God’s planting. The rules are from Dr. Owuor. The origin of his sect is based on his pride and formality. God is against all these, no matter the efforts employed by Dr. Owuor. God will uproot him and his ministry.
(2)          MORALLY.
(a)        Image result for false prophets in africa 
Dr. David Edward Owuor, does not live with his wife and children. He does not have a wife and children. This does not mean that the person had never married in his entire lifetime. He was once a married person, but what went wrong? He is in the best position to answer this question, and his followers, are in the better position to demand an answer, for leaders must live by example. Paul the apostle was right, when he said: “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ”- 1 Corinthians 11:1. In Philippians 3:17, the apostle said: “Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample.” Three things must be thoroughly investigated on Dr. David Edward Owuor in order to expose him as a false prophet on this particular case:
(i)             Did he divorce, and for what offence/ trespass, or purpose? Did his wife left him? The scriptures is against divorce- Luke 16:18,  but give room for forgiveness, for it is only by forgiving one another, is when God can forgive that particular person- Matthew 6:14-15, and there is no room for the hardness of hearts in the Gospel program- Matthew 19:8. What offence did the wife of Dr. David Edward Owuor commit that prompted the false prophet to declare the offense unforgivable? If God reject divorce, from the time he instituted marriage, as explained by Christ in Matthew 19:4-6, then he is not the one served by Dr. Owuor, who goes contrary to his will. Satan is the author, facilitator, promoter of divorce, and is the one served by Dr. Owuor. Anyone who divorces is Satanic. Even if one deserts the other, there is still room for reconciliation- after all a sinner deserves forgiveness and it is sin that is forgivable. Good does not need forgiveness.
(ii)                     The  first wife was a Jew from Israel, divorced her, then  from the Western hemisphere, possibly Germany (?), divorced her, and lastly an American. If Dr. Owuor was not happy about, or with this natural phenomenon, deeply comprehended from creation perspective, then does it mean this false prophet was a racist? If so then why are people from Chile, Canada, Costa Rica, Portugal, Bulgaria, and so on, still deceived, by seeing this fluke and a failure as the man of God?
(iii)                  Is there anything that Dr. Owuor did, to make his wife to walk away? May be, something the false prophet knew very well, made her to take that drastic step. Dr. Owuor, after failure to get a job, after loosing his last employment, entered into Satanism for quick wealth and fame. His wife’s life and the life of children were in great danger, as far as the ritualistic activities, in which Dr. Owuor, had become part of, are concerned. Dr. Owuor had attempted to use them for money making rituals. 
(b)          The movement of Dr. Owuor, had wreaked havoc in many homes. His followers do not respect the institution of marriage. Majority are divorced since they joined Dr. Owuor’s movement, and there after remarried the followers they met there, something known as adultery before God. Look at this woman protesting her husband wedding another woman at false prophet Owuor's church in Nakuru on www.youtube.com Read more on Kenya's newspaper DAILY NATION, December 4, 2015.
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 One woman from Kisumu, with tears in her eyes admitted: “I thought I had got peace from God for the benefit of my family once I joined Dr. Owuor. Little did I know I would lose my husband to another woman, who called herself sister of faith.  I came with joy, but I left in shame.” This false prophet had not talked, dealt with the issue, “because as their leader, so do his followers.” 
(c)          Image result for followers of prophet david owuor celebrating 
Followers of this false prophet had abandoned their families, majority of men and women struggling/ roaming in adultery, once they entered in this wicked faith. Paul, the apostle, a man of faith, put it right, perfectly clear to Timothy, that: “But if any provide not for his own, and specifically of his own house, he hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel”- 1 Timothy 5:8. In other words, if one abandoned his or her family, for instance the married and widows, then three things  are scripturally observed:
(i)                         The person hath denied faith. That is he or she no longer believed in God, neither in Jesus Christ. This person had rejected Jesus Christ, so as to accept Satan. The person had kicked Jesus Christ, out of his/her house, from the door, and welcomed Satan from the window. Just imagine, be surprised how many people Dr. Owuor had taken into Satanism.
(ii)                     The person is worse than an infidel. In other words, this person is greatly condemned than any atheist or skeptic. If one is worse than the one who does not know God, then who does the followers of Dr. Owuor, who had abandoned their homes serve? It is simple; they serve Satan, while their prophet imitates the prophets of God.
(iii)                  These people are not Christians. They are subjected into God’s wrath. They are destined to everlasting punishment in the fire of brimstone.
(3)          BELIEFS.
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The key the doctrine of Dr. David Edward Owuor, is “repent and prepare the way.” His ministry is called “Repentance and Holiness.” We agree that the scriptures talk about “repentance” for remission or the forgiveness of sins- first spoken by John the Baptist in Luke 3:3, and  Jesus Christ himself in Mark 1:15. Do his followers repent, or do they preach this to other people? What about Dr. Owuor and his supposed wife? Why preach water and drink wine? Why pretend to be “Holier than thou”, coating yourselves in the white robes like candies?
The entire followers of Dr. Owuor perceive him to be Elijah coming back into the earth, and even connect him to John the Baptist, whom in the spirit of Elijah, came to prepare the way for Christ. The record in Revelation 11 had been used for this support. Dr. David Edward Owuor, is not Elijah, neither John the Baptist, based on the following reasons:
(i)                         Both Elijah and John the Baptist were born from priestly families. Dr. Owuor was not. In fact he was born in politically pagan background, people engaged in secret societies, for their political gains.
(ii)                     Elijah and John the Baptist were born in Israel. Dr. Owuor was born in Kenya. Elijah was hated by King Ahab, and Jezebel his wife, while John the Baptist was beheaded by the decree of Herod Antipas. Dr. Owuor on his side is loved by the civil governments worldwide plus politicians.
(iii)                  Elijah and John the Baptist were anointed by God, even before they were born. From the deception of Dr. Owuor’s mouth, he got his calling, when in employment, after completing his scientific doctorate degree. He has never seen God, and is not anointed. He placed, imposed himself in prophetic office by his own peep dreams, crafty invented speculations, and his own science of twisting the scriptures for his own advantage plus his engagement on voodoo magic.
(iv)                   The two witnesses in Revelation 11, will appear, not to be born, and will preach their message in the city of Jerusalem. Dr. Owuor was born physically. He did not appear. His message is not preached in Jerusalem. His message is not about Jerusalem. His message is not in Jerusalem.
 Jesus Christ rebuked the Pharisees in Luke 16:15, a rebuke applicable to Dr. Owuor, that: “Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.” In other words Dr. Owuor expects or tried tirelessly to be looked upon by the world as a man of greater/ extraordinary sanctity and devotion. He makes it his business to court the opinions of men concerning right and wrong; true and false denominations, in order to justify himself before the world. He wants his sentiments to be esteemed as oracles by his followers, his directions as laws by the government and his practices as inviolable prescriptions for the second coming of Christ. This person- Dr. Owuor who had civil governments in his pocket, highly respected in the world, is abomination before God. That is to say, he is detestable, abhorrence, forbidden, an idol and full of all manner of wickedness before God. God knows the heart of Dr. Owuor that it is sacredly rotten/ smelling, a heart ruined by the world who boasts of much knowledge, who in the exercise of devotion had hardened itself more against the word of Christ.
(4)          FULFILLMENT.
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Prophecies of Dr. Owuor, are false, malicious, guesswork and even tied to predictions associated with scientific research. He predicted Christ will take the Church- a dramatic end of the world, and it never happened. He spoke about the white and back horse in the book of Revelation linking them to Kibaki and Raila, respectively in the coalition government, something that was erroneous and confusion. He foretold bloodshed in Kenya’s 2012- 2013, something which never happens. He always predicts doom, catastrophes. He has no single quality, no godliness in him to match the ancient Hebrew prophets. If it is to repent, then let Dr. Owuor repent of his evil ways and seek Jesus Christ in the earliest possible when the Son of God could be found. Confer Philippians 2:12; Hebrews 3:15. Watch The dreadful and mightest lies of Dr. Owuor on www.youtube.com Read also "Exposing the Heresis and Deception of the mightest prophet Dr. David Owuor" on www.facebook.com/groups/212736509469017. Read also False teacher- David Owuor Another self exposed fraud on www. the path of truth.com
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Dr. Owuor does not hawk the gospel. This is a perfect initiative, for Christ said in Matthew 10:8, that: “…. Freely ye have received, freely give.” But one must remember that the early apostles used to work in order to earn a living. For instance, Paul was a tent maker, a profession he shared with Aquila and Priscilla (Aquila’s wife) - Acts 18:3.
There are some things suspicious in respect to Dr. Owuor:
(i)                         Dr. Owuor does not collect money from his followers the way rogue, vague, greedy pastors worldwide do. The question is this: Where is the source of his wealth?
(ii)                     Dr. Owuor had been funded by John Templeton Foundation, an organization connected to “illuminati,” satanic worship in United States of America. He had hefty salary, allowance, luxurious cars, white body guards to monitor him in the execution of his duties for the interest of this organization of darkness, and a posh home. He has not disputed this fact, since its eruption in 2013. This exactly the source of his wealth/ finance.
(iii)                  In Nakuru crusade- December 2014, some patients were removed from various hospitals and taken to him with the expectation of receiving miracles of healing. Unfortunately Dr. Owuor failed miserably to heal them miraculously. They died right in his eyes. Which miracle does this man boast about? Does he fake them?
(iv)                   Since “Repentance and Holiness (King’s Outreach) Ministry” was started or established, most followers had mysteriously died, including prominent ministry officials and close associates of Dr. Owuor. One attempted to commit suicide right inside his posh home in Runda estate, Nairobi, Kenya. It is like a fashionable thing that each and every crusade of  Dr. Owuor, when it ends, an accident must occur killing his followers. This happened in Nakuru, and also in Kisumu, in January 2016. Some followers had gone mad, and others had committed suicide. Dr. Owuor had not come clean in this abrupt scenario. Can this be regarded as “ritual killings or sacrifices,” for money making?
(v)                       In the last job, Dr. Owuor was engaged as a scientist, he did not made it perfectly clear whether he resigned, absconded, or he was fired, sacked. If he was fired, could we say his satanic movement or ministry, and his false prophecies or being a false prophet, was a matter of “survival for the fittest”?
(vi)                   Dr. Owuor claimed he is supported by well-wishers. Who are these well-wishers? These are his fellow Satanists. They are not the worshippers of JEHOVAH. This is a scheme by the false prophet to divert the attention of the public. One particular time he was given brand new Mercedes car which was termed as the gift of prophecy, but the prophecy attached to it was false. It was never fulfilled.
(6)          SOURCE OF POWER.
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Dr. David Edward Owuor is in reptilian worship. He worships a big snake. This is the reason why he frequently made visits to Kakamega in the Western Kenya. The snake, which is the appearance of Satan, is the source of his power. He killed his driver who caught him red handed doing so. He killed his interpreter, who discovered this. He killed his body guard (black- African) who followed him in the forest after long stay, only to see his prophet with snake all over his body talking and smiling to the snake. This is the power that had forbidden him from shaving his bushy long beards.
Dr. Owuor also used voodoo magic to duplicate, to perform miracles. This voodoo is the reason he makes  frequent visits to Chile, Philippines, Brazil and so on, even though voodoo dominates Haiti. This magic is hidden by him in his bushy beards, also in the forms of rings he used wherever he preached so as to instigate fear, to make people see him as a powerful man of God, when he knew he is a man of Satan.
Dr. Owuor also admitted that when Lord called him, he was shown NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION bible, popularly known as NIV. NIV is published by ZONDERVAN PUBLISHERS. ZONDERVAN is owned by HARPER COLLINS, a company which publishes SATANIC BIBLE, by Anton Szandor LaVey. “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?”- Amos 3:3.The owner of HARPER COLLINS is Rupert Murdoch, an initiate promoted in the order of St. Gregory the great and Knight of Manta, a secret society, in 1998, by Roman Catholic Pope- John Paul II. See Harper Collins website for concrete proof. NIV is craftily satanic work deceiving the current globe. This NIV was clear sense that Dr. Owuor admitted himself to be Satanist.



  1. I am graduate at Egerton University Njoro who has closely been following to know the happenings around this ministry of Repentance and Holiness for 12 years now, have gone through your document and I say it is not true, including the sources attached. Verify the sources for which you have published this document on media.

    1. Jesus Christ said: "I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast his these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes (Matthew 11:25). Paul the apostle wrote in 1 Corinthians 1:26-27, that: "For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many nobles, are called: But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things that are mighty."
      You are not the first graduate from Egerton University. Your degree cannot make you to see the light brought by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
      People calling themselves mighty including this false prophet are far from the Gospel and are abomination before God.
      Make your research comprehensive, elaborated, concrete and without biasness.
      Your judgment in blinded by voodoo magical spell casted on you and other followers by prophet Owuor.
      My evidence is the Bible and the link of The Nairobian I already attached. If you are not satisfied so be it.

  2. All these allegations are just allegations nothing is true. And since when does the devil preach abandoning sin?? When Jesus came they said that He healed by the powers of beelzebub' and they scapegoated this reason not to believe Him, They also rejected John the baptist questioning by what authority he came forthwith, In the times of Noah they also laughed at him that he is crazy. Someone comes saying repent and return to Christ and live a life of holiness and prepare the way of the coming King and you are quick to call him a false prophet Yet we have people like Kanyari who is known by all to be false, Have you written a journal like this to condemn this Kanyari??
    I say you have been used by the enemy to ditort the truth but you will discover yourself in the end. May God have mercy on you

    1. Jesus Christ said: "Not every one that said to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven" (Matthew 7:21).
      Paul the apostle wrote in 2 Corinthians 11:14-15, that: "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers be transformed as ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works."
      The devil quoted the scriptures while tempting Jesus Christ in the wilderness.
      The fact that Dr. Owuor quoted the scriptures does not mean he is a genuine prophet. He is still a devil worshipper. Repentance and holiness is needed by everyone in order to undergo the Gospel transformation. This should begin from The false prophet Dr. Owuor, his followers, before preaching it to someone else.
      You are right that God should have mercy on me as a sinner, and keep me intact on his holiness. But God should have more mercy on you for being blinded, confused and following an evil, pathetic devil worshipper, calling himself the mighty prophet of the Lord.

  3. I have read your texts. May God the father forgive you. You will accept that God the father has sent the two witnesses according to revelation 11...the Malachi 4:3 is at hand .. ;he who has ears to hear...I as Kisia Brighton, I will stand with God and,live by spirit, obey the mighty prophets of the Lord and enhance my spiritual growth.Am ready for heaven..

    Come ye doubtful Thomas to our glorious and mega meetings, conduct investigations and reveal to the public-dont live by the media and your or personal thinking. Repent-Jesus is coming!

    1. Jesus Christ declared to his disciples that the world will hate them exactly as they hated their Christ. He told them that the world love their own.
      Therefore Dr. Owuor the self proclaimed prophet is of the world hence of the devil.
      Only spiritually blinded people, those clothed with wolves'skin from their sheep's clothing pastor or the so called fake mighty prophet can fail to see this.

  4. When did the Devil preach abandoning sins????
    When did Devil call for fasting and living in righteousness??? When did Devil preach the gospel of Jesus??when did Devil worship Jesus so powerfully??
    When did the devil condemn evil...when???when did Devil prophesie and it comes to pass??? When when????

    1. Not all that said Lord Lord shall enter God's kingdom.
      Remember Satan pretended to be angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:4).
      This is what false prophet Dr. Owuor is doing.

  5. Funny thing is that the people soiling the prophet's name are pastors and fellow preachers of the word. One thing that I will respect Prophet Owuor for is his strict and true message on Repentance, something that other pastors fear to proclaim because they fear losing their numbers. Talk what you want but I believe He is a true prophet of God, mightier than any prophet walking the Earth.

  6. You generation of vipers, your time is up...(Matthew 3:11.

  7. You generation of vipers, your time is up...(Matthew 3:11.

  8. "No man can say, Jesus is Lord, but in the Holy Spirit."

    1 CorĂ­ntios 12:3

    1. Even Satan pretended as angel of light, and no wonder Owuor.

  9. David owuor is Elijah. Repent

    1. Owuor is not Elijah and should repent for deceiving you and your colleagues. He should repent for his adulterous involvement.

  10. We knew long time ago that Owuor is not a prophet. I guess he was sacked in the US after raping a colleague. He uses the name of God for survival. To make money and eat comfortably.

    1. You're are perfectly correct. Unfortunately the majority he is leading to hell by his false prophecies cannot see this.
